GMT TIME Specialist Service Centre
GMT TIME Specialist Service Centre a full service clock and watch showroom specializing in retail sales and repairs. It is owned and operated by Koh Sin Cheong who has a genuine love for timepieces. He is the thrilled to have the opportunity to do what he loves. He has a loyal following of customers who have become his friends. Koh is also a clock and watch repair specialist, who does all the repairs, with over 31 years of experience have unrivaled experience of high-level repairs. Koh would like to continue to express his sincere appreciation to his valued customers, suppliers and business associates for their invaluable support.
Retail Sales
GMT TIME has an array of new and antique grandfather clocks, wall clocks and mantel clocks crafted with high-quality materials you have been dreaming about. Clocks are works of art that we enjoy because they express the sentiments and traditions of our lives. A grandfather clock is stately furniture piece, a family heirloom and a treasure beyond. You can find our fine grandfather clocks that are beautiful, high-quality, investment timepieces that make your home cozy, timeless and never go out of style. Adding a grandfather clock to your home brings not just visual elegance. Your enjoyment of your clock will be refreshed literally every hour as your clock plays a beautiful authentic tune on its chimes.
GMT TIME has a passion for sells antique vintage watches like Rolex and Tudor, with some dating from the mid -1970s, which are highly sought after by collectors. Each antique clock or watch is sold with a complete overhaul and a one year warranty. GMT TIME is the perfect place to purchase an elegant timepiece. Make the time today to visit us and enjoy the amazing showroom and the sights and chime of our beautiful timepieces. You may well leave with a new family heirloom that won’t cost you a fortune.

Repair and Serivces
GMT TIME is one of the rare highly experienced, full service clock and luxury watch repairs business in Malaysia. We specialize in mechanical and quartz movement repairs for all kind of clocks and watches. From grandfather clocks to any kind of clock, whether new or antique and also service and repair chiming, cuckoo, 31 and 400 day clocks, ships bell and Atmospheric Atmos clocks as well as electronic or battery clocks from American, Germany and Japan-made clocks. Even the most treasured possession can suffer the effects of time, so it is inevitable that your clock or watch might need some professional attention within its lifetime.
If you have been looking for an easy way to have your clocks or watches repaired, you have now found the best solution.
Call us today !